Axel Westerwelle
Axel Westerwelle

Have you ever thought about the curvature of your penis? Have you not? Well, you should. There is a congenital curvature, but there is also a pathological curvature that occurs suddenly and is called Peyronie's disease or IPP. Many, many men and their partners suffer from it. And in silence. A taboo subject. It is estimated that up to 21 million men are affected in the US alone! That's why Peyronie's Disease MUST receive much more public attention. That's what I'm fighting for.

And above all, I'm fighting for you, if you have doubts about the shape and health of your penis, to finally get more information about what you can do for HIM & YOU.

I have written this workbook in two (soon to be three) languages about my experiences and fears. It is meant to encourage you and give you many ideas on how to heal yourself or at least alleviate pain, discomfort and depression. Join me on my journey and take up the fight against this sh***y disease. Even if you don't have it, use the information about prevention, right nutrition and much more, so that you don't get sick (again) in the first place! Regards, Axel

Welcome to the Curvature

Our Best Friend's Curvature: What is normal, what is abnormal, and how can I take precautions?

The first workbook for all men with a
Curved Best Friend

Be sure to study my sample pages from the book under “THE BOOKS” or directly HERE. Also read the (free) sample on Amazon: 29 pages that give you a good idea of what you can expect, what you can look forward to and what you won't find in the book. If this convinces you, I would be delighted if you would order the German or English book via one of the Amazon links listed. Thank you very much!

Krummer bester Freund - Bestellung bei AmazonKrummer bester Freund - Bestellung bei Amazon

Das wohl ungewöhnlichste Mitmachbuch im Kampf gegen die Krümmung, Peyronie, IPP und all das


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Cover - My Curved best FriendCover - My Curved best Friend

Probably the most unusual workbook
in the fight against the Curvature, Peyronie´s, IPP and all that


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More real and non-faked reviews will (hopefully) arrive. Maybe yours? Many thanks in advance!

Sitting on the terrace with your book & marveling at .... what you have experienced, endured, conquered, researched, enjoyed & finally brought together. Amazing. Of course I will recommend the book to the young urologist in my circle of friends :)
Dr. Gesa D. Pre-reader

I wanted to get in touch with you about your latest book release. My mother told me roughly what it's about - and I've just had a closer look at it on Amazon. Huge respect for your great openness and your commitment to helping others deal with the topic. I think that's really strong.
Adult daughter (patchwork) of an IPP'er

I wanted to contact you about your latest book release. My mom told me roughly what it's about - and I just took a closer look at it on Amazon. Huge respect for your great openness and commitment to helping others deal with this issue. I think that's really strong.
Adult patchwork daughter of an PD sufferer

Dear Axel, when I have patients with Peyronie's, I will tell them to buy your book from Amazon! I wish you every success!
Urologist Germany

I would say “unusual” - surprisingly readable and comprehensibly written. You have to read a bit to understand the deeper meaning (“workbook”) but then it reads smoothly, almost like a novel. Some parts are lengthy (“Time for theater”), others are really good (especially the psychological tips). The “participation” is 50:50 - sometimes very helpful, sometimes superfluous. The book has a few small weaknesses, but overall it gives you the courage to get Peyronie's under control and to enjoy life and your partnership despite being “curved”. Therefore, for me, a good buy as a guide for affected men - also for partners.
Amazon review Europe 1

I ordered the book because of a forum post (female partners of PD sufferers) & the amazon sample. I read it alone at first and then managed to convince my husband to take a look: Yes, ok, someone is writing who understands the worries and hardships of men with Peyronie's. Honest, refreshing and meaningful. We were/are surprised by the ideas, were able to laugh and cry. It's great that you can approach such an unpleasant topic in a completely different way.
Amazon review 2

Let me help you!

Sign up for my "Give-me-courage-letter": If you have questions that the book can't answer and you want to stay informed about "Curvature" - send me a message. And if you are interested in the upcoming book - the diary for us Peyronie's Disease guys - please sign up for "Coming Soon" below.

I will be happy to inform you as soon as my second Peyronie book is available on amazon.

Coming 2025

"My Curved Best Friend - The Diary"

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