Who is this guy?

Axel Westerwelle
Axel Westerwelle

Born in 1965 in the zodiac sign of Cancer. First success in writing texts that tell a story in their entirety at the age of 12. Title: “How I successfully avoid homework”. Diploma thesis at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Then wrote more or less successful books on mostly rather boring topics such as work, studies and career. In the “Champions League” of writing - fiction - I tried my hand at a time travel trilogy in the early and mid-2010s. Was I successful with it? Yes, because I had a lot of fun making the main character Chris travel through time. There are almost no limits to the imagination with such themes. Apart from the personal enjoyment of the research and the writing itself, did I also have commercial success? With the help of lots of ideas and “trial and error” - in the end, yes.

Unfortunately/fortunately, due to my own illness, at some point it was a must to sit down and write “that” down too. I went through all the phases, from the deepest depression to the euphoria after my (temporary, who knows for sure with Peyronie's) recovery. I am currently trying to help you and others with the books “My Curved Best Friend” and the accompanying diary. So that not everyone has to pay too much. Due to the global relevance of the topic of Peyronie's/IPP, these books are also published in German and Spanish.

Peyronie's showed me once again how important the topic of health is and that we all have a great obligation to actively take care of it. My studies (including my doctorate in business administration) are based on this idea of caring. This applies to getting as good an education as possible, to finances & co. and of course to health. We only have this one life, this one body! I feel increasingly “obliged” to prepare myself and adapt my everyday life so that I can get really old with dignity and without too much external help!

With gfc-ai.com, I currently advise companies and private individuals on the various AI application areas. It keeps my head fit and provides funny AI pictures for my books. I love my three children, my partner, sister, mother and Charlie the cat. Germany and Mallorca are my current places of work.

Why wwww.peyronie.online?

Although the website is named after the disease, you will also find useful information here as the partner of a man with Peyronie's and as a man with a congenital curvature. And even if everything is fine with you, but you have already seen “Curved Dicks” and perhaps also heard of Peyronie's: Use the books and information on prevention so you NEVER get this crap.

Actually, I “just” wanted to write the first workbook for us Peyronie's sufferers. Finally a place where as many measures as possible are described to deal better with this disease. As a sufferer, I tried out many things and described them all in “Curved Best Friend”.

Then the whole thing took on a momentum of its own: readers asked me for a diary. Men who have a curved penis but don't suffer from PD asked me why this is the case. And whether the congenital curvature can develop into a pathological member with pain, depression, etc.

Then came the female and male partners of the sufferers, who nobody really thinks about when it comes to this topic. Yet they suffer almost as much as the sufferers every day from the indirect consequences for partnerships, relationships and marriages.

Hence peyronie.online: the attempt - as a non-medical professional - to create a place for all men who - for whatever reason - have a curved penis or never want to have one. The one place also for women and homosexual partners who want to help “their” man.

Such an attempt to provide everyone with information, tips and the latest news can fail very quickly. I try my best, but forgive me if not everything is perfect.

Help me with your experiences, tips, suggestions and new findings from science and research. Then we will see how this site grows and flourishes.

If you would like to support my work, I have set up a Patreon account (LINK). Here anyone can financially support valuable work. Since I have been working on the books around the clock for many months and will continue to do so in the future (with pleasure) and since a maximum of 1$ per book reaches the author when sold in bookstores, a small financial cushion could help.

Especially because I would like to use this and my own funds to financially support Peyronie's sufferers who cannot afford, for example, 300 bucks for a suitable medical aid. 1000 thanks in advance.
